Tuesday, December 29, 2009

有一位大學生暗戀班上一位女同學, 但是不敢開口對她說出愛慕之意, 深怕被拒絕,但他還是鼓起勇氣寫了一個紙條, 上面寫著:

□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□ ■                    ■ □   請選擇以下其中一樣在其中打勾:   □ ■   愛情 ( )  ;  友情 ( )    ■ □                     □ ■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■

「 願君多諒知識淺,
他看過後... 酸甜苦辣都盡嘗於心中, 他氣的直說: 不要就不要,還送我這首詩。 但是他也自認為自己也有錯, 當面說明白不就好了, 還寫問題給她選...... 事後, 他想了又想會不會有暗示, 他反反覆覆的看了幾遍............ 他恍然大悟馬上直奔女生住的宿舍....

要學起來ㄛ!!! 看懂了嗎? 這個女生很有國學素養喔!


Love is hard to get into,
but harder to get out of.
you should know all about this ,
that's why i couldn't put down easily.
Yea ... I copy frm sum place.I jz feelt tat ..same feeling.. mayb..
chatted with bryan jz nw. watever he told ,it is let me think clearly .
unfair? nt worthly? mad?
it is my feeling ?
I gt a lot of question marks in my brain.Y I coward like tat ? Isnt I really change a lot?
or I jz nt used to b have this life?
Anyway, dun let myself injured so deeply like ..nw..
everything gonna past, This was jz the passing period with down mood.
wat I talking abt?,,IDK...

My post